Theo Clarke MP has been working this week in Stafford to help residents during the coronavirus pandemic. This is an update about what Theo Clarke MP has done recently.
She joined Parliament virtually for a Select Committee meeting and the first ever online PMQs.
Ms Clarke visited Staffordshire County Council food parcel distribution centre for vulnerable residents.
She raised PPE supplies for County Hospital and care homes directly with Health Minister.
Ms Clarke spoke to Police and Crime Commissioner regarding domestic violence and the local refuge in Stafford.
She supported Staffordshire County Council’s iCare campaign to recruit more care workers locally.
Ms Clarke has raised concerns over fly tipping with Cabinet Office and Stafford Borough Council over garden waste collection.
She raised with MHCLG residents’ views on visiting cemeteries to allow families to grieve for loved ones.
Ms Clarke has spoken to key local stakeholders about emergency planning.
She lobbied Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on behalf of local dairy farmers and county farm tenants.
Ms Clarke has spoken to local fruit and vegetable farms to discuss concerns over seasonal agricultural workers.
She has done an interview about Covid-19 with Stafford FM.
Ms Clarke joined a conference call with neighbouring MPs in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent to discuss support for key workers.
She held virtual surgery for local residents in Stafford.