Backing Stafford farmers

Stafford constituency comprises Stafford and its surrounding rural areas. I have striven to represent the many farmers within our constituency from day one, with my first question in Parliament being one relating to farming. Since then, I have held roundtables with Stafford farmers, led a parliamentary debate which successfully called on Government to Back British Farming, and even milked a cow at 05:00!

If re-elected, I will continue to advocate for Stafford farmers. I will always back Stafford farmers.


Theo Clarke MP asks first question in House of Commons on farming

Theo Clarke MP asked her first question in the House of Commons Chamber. She asked the Secretary of State for exiting the EU how the Government will continue to support farmers in Stafford with the Agricultural Workers' Scheme after the UK leaves the EU. 

Theo supports Open Farm Sunday 2019

Theo supported the 2019 LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming) Open Farm Sunday. This year over a quarter of a million people visited farms from Jersey to the Shetlands to learn more about farming, what's produced on farms, the challenges facing farms and how farming enhances our countryside.